Animated Animorphs series coming to Netflix, Spring 2018

90s kids rejoice! Fans of the classic Scholastic young-adult book series have a new animated series to look forward to. Animorphs: The Series, follows the tale of five human teenagers, Jake, Marco, Cassie, Rachel and Tobias, as they fight a secret alien war on Earth. A live-action adaptation aired on Nickelodeon in 1998-99, but the animated series will be a Netflix exclusive. The original series creator, Katherine Applegate, is working closely with executive producer Lauren Montgomery, who has helped produce other Netflix series such as Voltron: Legendary Defender. “There is so much of a rich story available in [the books], and we want to do it justice.”

Animorphs: The Series will air on Netflix early 2018. Follow this site for more information as it develops.