Tampa boy caught with over 100k worth of drugs and money

A Tampa resident whom we now know as Shyhiem Morales was arrested today . Hillsborough sheriff’s office responded to a call they received about a man, (unknown at the time) had been spotted jumping out of a car and retrieving large bags from the trunk . While the police are responding to the call and arriving on the scene they catch a glimpse of Morales (who just turned 21 this past week) holding a very large amount of cash in his hands . As officers get closer the smell of marijuana gets stronger . At this time deputies had turned on their sirens and asked Morales to lie on his back with his hands behind his head. Morales jumped out from the front porch and attempted to flee. Two police officers were able to catch him and arrest him . Morales is facing criminal charges ranging from possession with intent to deliver , dealing of stolen fire arms and attempted fleeing .