Chatham-Kent Legalizing Crystal Meth

Chatham-Kent, Ontario;
Chatham will be the first canadian city to make the street drug known as ‘Crystal meth’ legal in all areas of the county.

Crystal meth is a highly addictive drug that send millions to rehab or to their deaths each year. Meth has been around for years, but became extremely popular after the Showtime TV series Breaking Bad hit the air. While producers only cared about the show brining in huge ratings, everyone ignored the fact that it was also brining in thousands and thousands of new users to the drug. Local venders have been selling the drug for medical purposes in Chatham for a few days, and claim that it has plenty of medical benefits when used the right way.

“If you are a lazy natured person, meth can give you that boost coffee can’t and you can get a lot done.” Said a local meth vender who wished to remain anonymous.

It is unclear if this bill will stay in place for long, as opposing parties are already trying to tear it down. Politicians behind it are claiming it is simply a supply-and-demand issue.

“If they want people to not buy drugs legally, then for crying out loud they should shut down every Tim Hortons in Canada” Said one Chatham representative. “Marijuana, meth – what’s the difference? The revenue the county could be bringing in, it’s astronomical. Health is one thing, but we’re talking about some real money here that could be put to good use.”

“By legalizing, monitoring, and taxing the substance, we will not only cut down on inmates and care costs, but also open up a whole new job market,” explained our insider “It’s a good situation all around, especially for taxpayers.”

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