Crooked Joe Declared Incapacitated! Progressive Firebrand Educator from Los Angeles To Take His Place!

One deplorable crook down, one more to go! Joe Biden has been recently declared incapacitated according to a recent statement from the White House. Why? They refuse to say, but considered Old Joe’s age, we can surmise what could have happened. Anyway, doctors say that President Biden’s recent health crisis has rendered him unfit for office, causing the DNC to scramble as they had to quickly find somebody to replace Biden on the top of the ticket. Well thankfully, the DNC crooks have actually come to their senses for once, and how nominated not only a real fighter, but a champion for the regular working class! Meet Kevin Kowalski, who was once just your average joe, working diligently as an educator at John H. Francis Polytechnic High School in Sun Valley, California. Of course, now he has been trust into the limelight, and while he hasn’t made any public statements yet, reports say he’s taking it in stride. We do already have some idea of the type of guy Kowalski is, and man is he one hell of a fighter! He’s a man of the working class, not a phony like Trump, he supports common sense progressive policies, he will give public education the attention it deserves, he’ll stand up to corporate interests, he’ll fight the elites tooth and nail to get his policies enacted. Already, this man seems to be shaping up to be a liberal in the tradition of FDR, an era that has been long lost in the Democratic Party. We did manage to get an interview with colleague of Kowalski, a Mr. Benson, who considers himself a great friend of the recent nominee. In his own words, “I’ve known Kowalski for long enough to understand that he’s an ass-kicker not an ass-kisser! He’s a tireless fighter that will bring a new age of prosperity in this country, there is absolutely zero doubt about that in my mind!”. Pictured above is the one image with have of Kowalski post-ascension, where he is seen with Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin. Many reports seem to point to her replacing Kamala Harris on the bottom of the ticket.

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